"Aue Te Aroha" lyrics
Here are the lyrics for one of the songs that has been included in the Te Reo course, both in our weekly lessons and at wānanga - extra-learning weekends that occur twice a semester.
Kei te ako ahau ki te kōrero Māori. I am learning to speak Te Reo Māori at AUT in Auckland. I'll write a proper post about the course at a later date, since it truly deserves it.
Here are the lyrics for one of the songs that has been included in the Te Reo course, both in our weekly lessons and at wānanga - extra-learning weekends that occur twice a semester. When sung well, "Aue te aroha" is very ātaahua, or beautiful!
Aue te aroha Aue te aroha
Ka rere atu nei taku reo powhiri Nau mai, haere mai Ko te whānau tēnei e mihi atu nei Ki a koutou e (Piki Mai!) Piki mai, kaka mai Hōmai tō waiora Ki a mātou e Tīhei Mauri Mauri ora E ngā iwi e
Aue te aroha (aue te aroha) Aue te aroha (aue te aroha) Aue te aroha (aue te aroha) Aue te aroha