Having also just spent 7 weeks in the UK, yes to all of the above (especially Marmite).
At the risk of talking about politics, our version of democracy (MMP, voting in supermarkets in advance, no registration required until you turn up) is so much better than theirs (FPP, 5 year cycle, photo ID (newly) required to vote, voting day always on a Thursday, can only vote at one local polling place without significant hoop-jumping) and despite being disappointed by the election result in general I am very grateful for our system.
All the other Marmites are just imitating! And definitely prefer NZ's modern and representative political system. Where have you been in the UK? From there?
Mainly with my family just south of Cambridge (am from there) but with a few side trips to London and one weekend in the Lake District (once I'd got past the 2 1/2 hour delay at Preston *yikes*)
Having also just spent 7 weeks in the UK, yes to all of the above (especially Marmite).
At the risk of talking about politics, our version of democracy (MMP, voting in supermarkets in advance, no registration required until you turn up) is so much better than theirs (FPP, 5 year cycle, photo ID (newly) required to vote, voting day always on a Thursday, can only vote at one local polling place without significant hoop-jumping) and despite being disappointed by the election result in general I am very grateful for our system.
All the other Marmites are just imitating! And definitely prefer NZ's modern and representative political system. Where have you been in the UK? From there?
Mainly with my family just south of Cambridge (am from there) but with a few side trips to London and one weekend in the Lake District (once I'd got past the 2 1/2 hour delay at Preston *yikes*)